Acne Myths & Facts

Acne Myths – BUSTED

When it comes to acne, there is much confusion on what causes it and what doesn’t. From chocolate to sweat, there are many things that are rumored to cause acne. But what really aggravates acne?

A top dermatologist revealed what really causes acne and what doesn’t:

1.)Chocolate and sugar causes acne: Myth

Although many people have heard that chocolate and sugary foods cause acne, it hasn’t been proven that this is the case. What really causes acne, according to dermatologists, is the high sodium content and the dairy on these sweets—not the sugar itself. Dairy and especially cow milk has acne aggravating hormones while sodium is known to block pores. Thus, if you want to reduce your acne, it is advisable that you should avoid foods and drinks that contain sodium and dairy

2.)Detergent causes acne:  Mostly  Truth

While fabric softener t isn’t the main culprit behind acne, studies have shown that the waxy residue it leaves in the pillows and fabrics a person comes in contact with, may block pores and exacerbate acne. If you can’t avoid  fabric softener , choose at least an environmental or organic alternative that doesn’t  contain harsh chemicals.

3.)Sleeping with make-up causes acne: Truth

Sleeping with make-up does cause acne according to dermatologists. When we sleep with our make-up on, the pore-blocking chemicals and bacteria sitting on top of the make-up penetrate the skin layers and leave no room for the skin to breath, which causes breakouts.  When it comes to have clear looking skin, there are no excuses—if you are too lazy to wash your face with water and a cleanser, use  an oil free make-up remover instead. Look for labels like “non-comedogenic” and  “oil-free” to prevent blocking your pores further.

4.)Swimming in pools causes acne: Mostly true

Chlorine, which is the main chemical used in pools, has been found to aggravate skin sensitivities through disturbing the natural P.H  of the skin and barring skin moisture. If you have sensitive acne-prone skin,  it’s best to swim in sea water which is rich  in  minerals and  salt which cleanses the pores.

5.)Comedogenic products cause acne: Mostly true

Certain chemicals and even natural ingredients in your cosmetics may block pores or cause other skin conditions when applied to the skin. Some common comedogenic ingredients are:  beeswax, shea and coconut butter, cetearyl alcohol and propylene glycol. Always make sure the product you are purchasing does not contain any of these ingredients and is labeled “non-comedogenic”.