Dry Skin Brushing for CelluliteDry brushing is considered one of the top remedies for improving cellulite and this is no coincidence. Numerous reports of women all over the net and studies show that it can be a very effective tool for fighting cellulite. Using a dry natural brush (dry brushing) possesses a unique mechanical action and can be very useful for removing the toxins which cause cellulite.

Studies show that it stimulates the lymphatic system, improves circulation and removes dead skin cells simultaneously. Apart from it’s obvious exfoliating action, skin experts like Dr Murad claim that it can also help bring nutrients and oxygen to the outer layer of the skin and thus improve the outer appearance from the inside out. If you want to try the dry brushing technique, it’s best to opt for a natural bristle brush-The bristles of the brush are naturally softer and they are less abrasive than synthetic ones.You can find many inexpensive brushes (below $10) online or in stores.

Dry Skin BrushingTo use the brush correctly, start by sweeping the affected areas with outward circular motions. Experts agree that it’s best especially for groin and booty areas, not to go up towards the heart as usual. The ideal frequency to brush is your skin, is once or twice daily if your skin is not sensitive and two or three times a week if you your skin is easily irritated. To minimise skin irritation or other problems do not brush too vigorously and clean your brush often with a mild antibacterial soap to remove the dust, dirt and dead skin cells.