Categories: Cellulite Removal

Why do people get cellulite?

Cellulite is an unwanted skin condition that affects millions of women of all ages worldwide. According to Dr Murad

What we call cellulite is actually fat that deposits underneath the skin which push up the skin tissue and give it a pump texture and dimply appearance. It usually occurs in buttocks and thighs and develops after puberty.about 90% of the women have cellulite which makes it one of the top beauty issues women have.

Although cellulite isn’t an exclusively female concern, men and kids are much less likely to have cellulite. This happens for two reasons:

1.) Men’s skin tissue is naturally thicker and stronger making it harder for the fat deposits to show up. 2.) Male hormones control the fat distribution so it’s less likely to concentrate on buttocks and thighs.

Many of us have already noticed that cellulite doesn’t affect only fat women. In fact thinner women are just as likely to get cellulite. Although fat deposits may seem the primary cause of cellulite, there other factors that contribute to the formation of cellulite. Some of these factors are:

1.) Genetics. Certain genes we inherited from our mothers are responsible for the formation of cellulite even at a young age. Apart from the gender and personal characteristics our Genetics determine our skin type, hormone secretions, metabolism of fat, how our fat will be distributed and the blood flow to certain areas. If any of these are not programmed to function properly skin conditions like cellulite can occur.

2.) Diet. People with poor diets and  especially those who eat many carbohydrates, trans fats (often found in junk food and processed food such as pizzas, nuggets, burgers, pastries, red meat, French fries, etc) , sugar and salt are much more prone to cellulite. Also insufficient liquid consumption (not drinking enough water or liquids) is often associated with cellulite formation.

3.) Hormones. According to many scientific sources hormones play a vital role in cellulite formation..Although the exact mechanisms of cause and effect are very little known, a few studies suggest that hormonal imbalance is associated with many skin conditions including cellulite. It is believed Hormones along with other factors can contribute to a stiff and less elastic skin tissue

4.)  Lifestyle factors. Studies suggest that smokers, people who don’t exercise, people who consume alcohol and other substances, or people who work for long hours in a chair without standing up are much more likely to develop cellulite. Also a daily life full of stress can affect how our skin looks and aggravate certain skin conditions including cellulite.

5.) Tight Clothing. Although tight clothing isn’t one of the primary causes of cellulite, tight clothing and underwear doesn’t let the skin breathe and repair its self and often aggravates the condition.

Currently there is no cure for cellulite but if you try to eliminate the above causes and follow certain program which involves a healthy diet, exercise and topical solutions the condition will probably improve.

Published by
Marina Andreas