Categories: Cellulite Removal

Summers, the Worst Reoccurring Nightmare for Conscious Cellulite Sufferers

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed if you ever find yourself suffering from cellulite condition. Did you know that 90% of women at some point of time get affected by cellulite? So, know that you are not alone in this battle.

Especially during summer, the cellulite becomes massively conspicuous. But, the good news is that there are ways to conceal the cottage cheese skin, and be able to feel incredibly confident about one. In summers, there are just two ways to address the cellulite issue – either you embrace it or you hide it.

If you are one of those who would choose to embrace it then it’s fine, but if you don’t appreciate it and would want to hide it then read further.

Cardiovascular Exercises

For losing fat around your belly, you need to focus on cardiovascular workouts such as walking, jogging, running, swimming or aerobics. Any of these cardio exercises will help you in losing the fat underneath your skin of the stomach. Ideally, you should be doing any of these exercises at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week to see positive results by the end of 2 weeks.

Apply Sunless Tanner

There are some really good sunless tanning lotions available in the market that can be used to reduce and hide those signs of cellulite by darkening the skin. A tanned skin looks toned and tighter.

Ideally, you must start applying the thin layer of tanner only to cellulite prone areas of your legs and thighs. Then, spray the tanner on the same area. Just make sure that you exfoliate the skin before tanning.

Sunless tanner will help in reducing the appearance of cellulite immensely.

Apply Skin Firming Cream

A firming cream can do wonders on your cellulite prone skin. Dermatologists recommend using a firming cream or alike that contains caffeine and all natural ingredients. The users of such cream find it easy to cover up their cellulite.

Eating Balanced Diet

It is profoundly important to eat the right food as it will help in improving the circulation of blood in the body and help in reducing inactivity. Ideally, your diet should include a range of fruits and vegetables, wholegrain foods, and recommended intake of water on daily basis. By all means, avoid consuming caffeine, coffee, smoking and alcohol.

Wear the Right Stuff

Luckily, the clothes industry has understood the significance of introducing cellulite-friendly line of clothes that are comfortable and stylish. There are anti-cellulite tights available that help in melting away the fat and toxins from the body. In addition to that, there are even anti-cellulite briefs available for women that will help you to conceal cellulite around the stomach and thighs.

Even anti-cellulite complex pedal pushers would work just fine on the cellulite prone areas. They claim to melt away fat using plant extracts, and these are extremely comfortable to wear underneath the clothes.

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  • Nice article!
    I myself was ashamed to wear bikini suit because of my cellulite marks. But after reading your article I got a new hope to reduce the appearance of these marks. Thank You!

Published by
Marina Andreas