Categories: Health Care Tips

Legs: Issues beyond Hair Removal

Legs are believed, and rightly so, to be a remarkable discovering in human engineering.  In one’s lifetime, on an average, a human being is believed to walk almost 150,000 kilometers, making it four rounds around the world.  This will perhaps help you understand the profound significance of keeping the legs healthy for the rest of your life.

Like any other organ of the body, legs too face several issues, which need treatment, sooner or later. And yes, sometimes, leg issues do go beyond hair removal for both the genders. Here in this article we will briefly go through a couple of prominent concerns related to legs, its symptoms, and precautions, if any.

1. Varicose Veins

Varicose veins develop when valves of blood vessels either get weakened or damaged and can no longer regulate the flow of blood. This type of vein condition is known to cause numbness, heaviness and fatigue in the legs, and could occur differently in their sizes and appearances. In most of the cases, varicose veins are not medically serious; however, when left untreated, it could lead to circulatory problems in the future.

Varicose veins are most commonly found in women than men. It possibly is due to hormonal factors such as puberty, menopause, even the use of birth control pills and, most of all, successive pregnancies.

Varicose veins are conspicuous and easily diagnosed. Sometimes, they may not show any symptoms. However, it is a good idea to lookout for the following symptoms that have strong associations with varicose veins:

  • Weakness in legs
  • Muscle cramping
  • Aching of legs
  • Heaviness in legs,
  • Itchy or redness in skin,
  • Skin discoloration around the varicose veins
  • Skin thickening

Some of the best ways to prevent varicose veins are:

  • Exercising (A 30 minute walk, jog or run is recommended)
  • Eat well (avocados, blueberries, beet and asparagus to name a few)
  • Wear Sunscreen (SPF 30+ recommended)
  • Apply Vein soothing Cream or topical solutions.

Varicose veins needs medical attention and are usually covered in insurance. Do not delay treating these veins. Consult your doctor immediately!

2. Cellulite

Cellulite is a massive leg problem faced more so by women. Around 90% of the women at some point of time in their lives get cellulite on their legs. Cellulite is any way a very humiliating leg problem in all seasons; however, especially during summers, cellulite tend to become ridiculously more conspicuous.

Symptoms of Cellulite may include:

  • Fever
  • Feeling of warmth in the leg area
  • Muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling of illness
  • Shaky legs
  • Redness in skin
  • Slight pain in the leg area
  • Swollen skin

Make note of any kind of drowsiness, blistering and lethargies as they would subtly signify the spread of cellulite.  It is profoundly pertinent to get in touch with a doctor immediately if any of these symptoms persist.

Cellulite is preventable. This is how you can prevent formation of cellulite on legs:

  • Always wear protective gear when working out
  • Treat any kind of leg infection immediately
  • Keep the skin of your legs moist to prevent any form of cracking.

Remember to cover all kinds of leg wounds with a bandage to stop the flow of the blood. Individuals with poor blood circulation in legs are more likely to develop cellulite.

3. Stretch Marks

Stretch marks as the name suggests is often formed on the skin of the legs when the skin is enormously stretched. These marks usually occur in the middle layer of the skin that is known to support outer layers of the skin. Stretch marks on the back of the knees are a major concern for especially those who have to wear shorts and skirts on daily basis.

You are more likely to develop stretch marks if –

  • You are a woman
  • You are a pregnant woman
  • You are Caucasian
  • You are overweight
  • You have a family history
  • You have done through dramatic weight gain or weight loss

Some of the ways to prevent or cut the risk of developing stretch marks are:

  • Exercising (give brief stretches to legs at regular intervals)
  • Stretch Mark Creams (application of clinically studied creams)
  • Weight Management (keeping your body weight in check)
  • Drink Water (drinking 8 glasses of water daily)

4. Fat Legs/Lipedema

Fat legs or medically known as Lipedema is caused when fat is irregularly distributed in the buttocks and legs. Lipedema is known to affect almost 11% of the woman population. Luckily, it does not need medical attention until it starts creating pain and other discomforts in the legs. Mostly, fat legs are a cosmetic concern. Also, Lipedema is not related to obesity.

What are some of the causes of Fat Legs?

  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, puberty and menopause.
  • Family history of the condition

What is the most common symptom of Fat Legs?

You will see a large lower half and column-shaped tender legs that can be easily bruised. You are likely to see a remarkable difference in your upper and lower body sizes. Lower body will always be heavier than your upper body. In addition, you will have small broken veins under your skin and the skin of your legs will be quite tender when you touch.

What are the most common treatments for Fat Legs?

There are two types of main treatments available: non-surgical and liposuction.

Non-surgical treatments

  • Exercising
  • Massaging
  • Compression Therapy


Liposuction is a procedure that involves injecting a particular kind of liquid solution into the legs to help numb the legs and reduce blood loss. Afterwards, the unwanted fat from the legs is sucked out with the help of a tube.

If you are dieting to treat fat legs then hard luck because dieting does no good in treating fat legs. Also, diuretics to get rid of excess fluids don’t work.

View Comments

  • Cellulite is the worst thing which spoils summer every time. Tried everything but it just stays. I was little plump so decided to lose my weight it helped me a lot. Now I have very less cellulite left. I hit the gym 2 times a week and muscles got tighter, it helped me get rid of nasty cellulite.

  • Varicose veins and spider veins are scary but not dangerous. Veins can bulge with pools of blood when they fail to circulate the blood properly. These visible and bulging veins, called varicose veins, are more common in the legs and thighs but can develop anywhere in the body.