Weight Loss

Top 7 Simple Yoga Poses to Lose Post-Pregnancy Weight

Being pregnant is one of the most wonderful experiences of life. This period brings lots of ups and downs in your health and weight. While some women feel head over heels during this period, others can have the most exhausting experience throughout the 9 months of their pregnancy.

Everybody likes to talk about all the good thing like hope, happiness, laughter, and joy but you may also experience mood swings, acne breakouts, depression, and lots of weight gain.

The postnatal period can be the most exhausting period for new mothers. You are always occupied with new responsibilities like breastfeeding and baby care. New moms hardly get any time to look after themselves, hence this negligence takes a toll on their health.

Postpartum depression and post-pregnancy weight are one of the most neglected consequences of pregnancy. Both these factors are somewhat interrelated to one another. Your weight gain during pregnancy can turn out to be the biggest nightmare of your life. Most women accept the changes while others struggle with them. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can lead to severe health issues also. Thus, it’s necessary to keep track of your diet and do a few physical exercises to lose weight.

As your body is still in recovery mode, shedding those pounds is quite a tricky job. Vigorous exercises are not advisable during your healing process. However, following yoga throughout your pregnancy and after delivery helps in handling weight issues. It also reduces the chances of complications during childbirth. Practicing yoga asanas regularly improves your posture, tones muscles, relieves back pain, strengthens your core, and boosts your recovery rate.

You may find it impossible to steal time for your well-being; that’s why we have come up with a list of simple yoga poses to help you lose post-pregnancy weight easily.

1. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana or Phalakasana):

Plank pose or Kumbhakasana is the easiest and most effective asana for beginners. It tones your arm muscles, improves your posture, relieves back pain, tightens your core and strengthens your spine. This pose is considered the best and easy way to enhance your stamina.


  1. Sit on your knees on a yoga mat.
  2. Now bend forward and throw your hands as far as you can in front of the mat.
  3. Now spread your hands and lift your body upwards.
  4. Your weight should be entirely on your toes and hands.
  5. Keep your arms straight and tighten your core.
  6. Try to hold this position for 10-15 seconds in the beginning and gradually increase your time.
  7. Repeat the asana 3 times.

2. Cat-Cow Pose (Bitilasana Marjaryasana):

Cat-cow pose is supposed to improve the health of your spinal cord. Carrying a baby for 9 months creates a lot of pressure on your spine. It becomes stiff sometimes. The cat-cow pose is a stress reliever pose. It increases the blood flow and helps in improving glandular secretions. This asana relieves the stiffness from the pelvic area which helps in easy labour.


  1. Sit on your knees on the yoga mat.
  2. Lean forward and place your hands in front of the mat.
  3. Now make your legs and arms parallel to each other and perpendicular to your spine.
  4. Exhale and pull your shoulders and core upwards like a cat. Place your chin near your chest.
  5. Inhale and drop your chest and spine towards the ground. Pull up your pelvis and place your chin parallel to the ground. Your posture must resemble a cow.
  6. Repeat this asana 5 times.

3. Triangle pose (Trikonasana):

Trikonasana involves your entire body. It relieves neck sprain, Increases blood flow throughout the body. This asana opens your pelvic bones which help during childbirth. It stimulates your digestive system and strengthens your spine.


  1. Stand straight on your yoga mat.
  2. Place your feet at a comfortable distance.
  3. Move your left foot outwards while keeping your heels inward. Both your feet must be in a straight line.
  4. Open your arms parallel to the ground.
  5. Bend forward and touch your left foot’s ankle with your left hand.
  6. Look upward towards the sky and keep your body in line with your legs. Do not bend it forward or backwards.
  7. Repeat the same with your right foot.

4. Legs Up the wall (Viparita-Karaniasana):

This asana is an easy practice to improve your circulatory system. It strengthens your core area while releasing stress and anxiety. Viparit Karani asana reverses the water flow from the small intestine to the large intestine. This helps in cleaning up your stomach and decreasing bloating.


  1. Lie down on your back against the wall.
  2. Join your legs and lift them against the wall.
  3. Keep your knees straight.
  4. Open your arms and keep down on the floor.
  5. Your legs must be perpendicular to the ground.
  6. Keep your toes towards your body and feel the blood flowing towards your head.
  7. Start this asana with a 5-minute hold and gradually increase your holding time from 15-20 minutes.

5. Cobra pose(Bhujangasana):

Cobra pose is a magnificent option for new mothers during their post-pregnancy weight loss. This asana works on the abdomen, arms, pelvic muscles and legs. Cobra pose helps in tightening your core muscles while strengthening your spine.


  1. Lie down on the ground on your stomach.
  2. Place your hands adjacent to your chest.
  3. Now inhale and lift your body upwards.
  4. Your body must be gifted up to your core only.
  5. Your entire weight must fall on your hands, toes and thighs.
  6. Keep your chin parallel to the ground.
  7. Exhale and come back to your starting position.
  8. Repeat the asana 8-10 times.

6. Wide-legged child pose (Prasarita Balasana):

Wide-legged child pose is an extended version of the child pose. It opens up the hip and pelvic muscles. Reduces the stiffness among thighs and ankles. This asana stretches your shoulder, core, and neck muscles. Prasarita Balasana relaxes your mind and relieves stress.


  1. Sit straight on your ankles.
  2. Join your toes and place your hips on your feet.
  3. Open your knees at your shoulder distance.
  4. Lean forward and touch your chest with the ground.
  5. Throw your hands in front of the mat with your palm facing the ground.
  6. Place your head on the ground while keeping your hip on your feet.
  7. Inhale and exhale 10 times and relax your body.
  8. Slowly come back to your starting pose by dragging your body back step by step.

7. Camel Pose (Ustrasana):

Camel pose is known for tightening your core muscles, strengthening your spine, lifting your breast, and toning your thighs.


  1. Stand on your knees while placing them apart at shoulder distance.
  2. Rest your feet on the ground.
  3. Now put your hands on your hips. Inhale and slowly bend backwards.
  4. Hold your feet with your hands one by one while keeping your thighs straight.
  5. Throw your head backwards and hold the pose for 10 seconds.
  6. Now put your hands on your hips to support your back and come back to your starting position slowly.
  7. Relax for 10 seconds and repeat the asana 2 times.

Yoga may seem like a slow method of losing postnatal weight, but the results will prove worthy of your patience. Weight loss by yoga needs consistency and commitment for the desired results. Practicing yoga regularly will make you strong physically and mentally. It is advised to consult your doctor before starting any weight loss program.