Categories: Psoriasis

Let Loose! Don’t Let Psoriasis Limit Your Fashion Choices

Is Psoriasis getting you down? Are you feeling conscious with the way the latest trends do not agree with your condition? Sometimes all it takes is quick thinking and a little adjustment and strategy for you to feel comfortable even when you or someone close to you has Psoriasis.
The first thing to keep in mind is that you can maximize the pieces in your closet by dressing for comfort and not just for style.


Always go for natural, breathable fabrics. Whether they come in plains or prints is a matter of personal preference. If you want to cover up, you can choose turtlenecks. Be sure to wear a second layer under a knit sweater during the cold season so that your skin won’t irritate. Layering can actually reduce sweating and regulate body temperature during the winter. Soft cotton fabrics help to keep moisture away from the skin.

Collared shirts frame your face and also lengthen your torso.

Light colours are sure to draw away the attention from flaking skin. Slim v-neck shirts make the neck appear longer and in turn can be flattering.


The same goes for bottoms, cotton fabrics and plains can be paired with various tops. For women, if you don’t like pants all the time, you can wear skirts with opaque tights and wear boots to make a stylish statement. Also remember that trouser cuffs are a clever way to “lengthen” short legs.

Fabric Care and Colors

It is not enough to choose the right style for your clothes.

When doing your laundry, use unscented laundry detergent that is dye-free. If you cannot go without fabric softeners, go for the ones that use natural ingredients. Liquid detergent may be a better choice compared to powdered or solid detergent because they dissolve better in water and leave no residue when rinsed.

As much as possible, avoid dark colors so that flakes that fall on your shoulder and other parts of your clothes won’t be too obvious. Avoid pinks and reds that can emphasize your skin condition since Psoriasis lesions are usually red or pink.

Accessories and Shoes

Accessories add the fun pop in your fashion. If you wish to go for hats, choose straw to allow your scalp to breathe while protecting your head from the sun.

As for shoes, you can wear a pair with a perfect fit to avoid skin problems.

You can try on different fabrics to see how it falls on your body frame, and also choose loose clothes that can give your skin some allowance to breathe. Shopping should be easy once you know which clothes to go for. You can go ahead and build your wardrobe and always remember that your key concept is comfort.

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  • I was worried and trying to hide psoriasis conditions from friends and peers, And all of this caused me to feel stress and anxiety that led to depression. Guess these tips will help me to overcome this fear.

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