Categories: Psoriasis

What Triggers Psoriasis Flare Ups

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that has infection on the skin. When the immune system sends faulty signals which speed up the growth cycle of skin cells, it’s when psoriasis occurs. Currently, the exact trigger of the disease is not yet discovered. At least 10% of general population may have a predisposition to psoriasis since they contain genes inherited from their ancient families. This does not actually means that a person containing these genes is infected. Psoriasis shows up when some of the triggers are involved. It’s considered that only 2-3% of the infected population develops this disease but if only he or she contains the genes that cause it and exposed to triggers of psoriasis. However, the external factors are not universal that means they may not affect other people. You can’t be infected by psoriasis if you only touch an infected person.

There are three main factors that trigger psoriasis.

  1. Stress.
  2. Skin injury.
  3. Medications.


Stress being one of the trigger of psoriasis, it flare up and also the existing psoriasis is aggravated. This trigger of psoriasis can be prevented by relaxation and some this, physical and psychological relaxation is required. Aerobic exercise is the most helpful reduction of stress and promotes relaxation of both the mind and the physical body in conclusion to stress, any other cause that promotes relaxation help in preventing psoriasis aggravation..


Skin injury is the other main trigger of psoriasis. The injured area in the body i.e. the skin are common areas were psoriasis occur. This kind of phenomenon is called Koebner phenomenon. Koebner phenomenon causes are triggered by scratches, sunburns, vaccination, insect bite or even strep throat.


Psoriasis attack can also be triggered by some of the medication. These include;

  • Lithium which is used to treat psychiatric disorders. It is mostly reported by people who use lithium medication that it aggregates their psoriasis.
  • Quinidine – most of the people undertaking this heart medication worsens their psoriasis states.
  • Indomethacin being an anti-inflammatory used to treat Arthritis has reports that it worsens some psoriasis symptoms. Its negative effects can be reduced if it’s taken properly. However the medication is more merited for its positivity which outweighsits negativity.
  • Inderal is a medication for blood pressure which in research is believed to aggravate psoriasis in about 25% to 35% of patients who take it. It is unknown if every blood pressure medication have the potential in triggering psoriasis.
  • Antimalarial – hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, quinacrine, and plaquenil are antimalarials that can trigger psoriasis to flare up. This flare ups usually occur two to three weeks after using the drug.  However, Hydroxychloroquine even though an antimalarial is believed to be the safest of all the antimalarial because it has a lower incidence of causing these side effects.

There are some other unproven factors that trigger psoriasis. They include;

  • Weather
  • Diet
  • Allergies

If you have psoriasis, first thing to do is to avoid these triggers knowing your triggers may mean you can avoid a flare-up of psoriasis. Live a healthy and a happy life.

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