Categories: Skin Brightening

How to decrease dark spots in 4 Effective Steps

It is a fact that many women (especially over 30), suffer from hyperpigmentation-darkening of skin in certain parts of the body and face. A lot of these women cover their problems with make-up but this doesn’t help in the long run.

The bad news is that you can’t magically vanish all your dark spots overnight but the good news is that there a lot of products available in the market today as well as inexpensive home remedies which brighten up the skin and increase the look of dark spots. Beauty experts recommend that in order to achieve noticeable results, you have to follow the following 4 simple steps:

1) Exfoliate

Exfoliation is the key process to remove dead skin cells that are responsible for skin dullness and can be very helpful in some cases of hyperpigmentation. In fact, some cases of hyperpigmentation are caused by dead skin buildup that forms dark patches on the skin. In these cases, exfoliating once or two times a week removes all these dead skin cells to reveal brighter and more evenly toned complexion.

For best results use an exfoliator with gentle circular movements and avoid scrubbing too vigorously to decrease any risk of irritation. The only downside of this method is that you shouldn’t exfoliate if you have too sensitive, burned or wounded skin because it might make matters worse.

2) Use a sunscreen

Sunscreen is a must-have when it comes to skin protection-If your skin is not properly protected by the sun, there is a risk of skin damage and developing hyperpigmentation. While using a sunscreen won’t remove the dark patches you already have, it will certainly prevent new ones from appearing. In case you dislike the white residue most sunscreens leave behind, opt for a tinted moisturizer with a 15+ SPF that combines both coverage and protection at the same time.

3) Use a corrective dark spot treatment

Corrective dark spot treatments are widely available by many cosmetic companies either in cream or serum form. Even though they won’t deliver results overnight, over a period of time they can help lighten your dark spots and brighten up your overall skin-tone  The best time to use a corrective treatment, is before falling asleep because during the night your skin regenerates and absorbs any nutrients on your skin’s surface more efficiently than during the day.

4.) Apply a mask

Applying a mask 2-3 times a week won’t magically wipe off all your dark spots but it can be a great addition to your skincare regime. It will help brighten up your skin tone and give the illusion that your dark spots have faded a little bit. The best masks for dark spots are the ones who have mild peeling action or vitamins such as masks with vitamin C, papaya or pineapple enzymes, AHA’s and other acids e.g. glycolic acid.