Eye Care

Eye Care

Tips and Products for Beautiful Eyes

How to take Good care of your Eyes



RevitaLash Eyelash Conditioner REVIEW

Self-love is one big favour you can do for your body and mental health. Social media and the internet has made people conscious about their looks and appearances. The fashion, beauty and skincare industry got a vigorous market all thanks to this impact. Tik Tok,...

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Blepharitis

Blepharitis is a common eye condition where the edges of the eyelids turn red and swollen. Though this eye condition is common but not everybody knows about its symptoms, treatments and many other things. Here we have compiled a list of all the frequently asked questions about Blepharitis and have tried to make the answers as easy to understand as possible. Let us know if you have any other questions about this eye condition.

What Is Blepharitis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Blepharitis is a common inflammatory eye condition affecting the outside of the eyelid where the eyelashes are attached. It is a condition that is usually caused due to bacteria and sometimes viral infection. Blepharitis can be classified as acute or chronic, depending on the condition of the eyelid. In this article we provide the basic information about Blepharitis and how you can cure this condition.

Top 5 Natural and Organic Kohls

When it comes to our eyes, we often search for the most trustworthy eye kohl/kajal brands. Here we take a look at the top factors you need to consider while you look to buy Organic eye kohls. And 5 organic eye kohls/eyeliners/kajals that stood best for these factors.


When you buy a Kohl/Kajal, the first thing comes to your mind would be its benefits. Like other cosmetics, different types of kohls do have their pros and cons. Here we take a look at the two basic types; Natural/Organic and the most commonly used chemical based kohls.

Eye kohl: Pride of women’s eyes

Eye kohl is one of the oldest fashion accessories found in every woman’s vanity. It is ethnic and followed by every tradition. Here we take a look at what you must know before you go for that smokey look.

Your Ticket to Appealing Eyelashes

We sometimes think that people who have long eyelashes have beautiful eyes. Eyelashes frame the eyes and can seem so alluring. Beyond beauty, eyelashes actually protect the eyes, keeping foreign objects from entering and infecting the eye. It must be one reason why some of us ogle at people with long eyelashes (even for hours at risk of being a stalker). But let it be a secret no more. All it takes is for a few natural tricks and no surgery.


Age Defying Eye Therapy from Skinception.